Thursday, November 15, 2007

How to disapear in plain sight - a tutorial.

Well, I'm obviously not a prolific writer.

If you're still visiting this, welcome back. In my defense, I HAVE been working.

The late summer and fall saw the completion of a high profile commission for Avenue Bank. The bank had an impressive grand opening (the mayor attended :) that coincided very nicely with our 15th wedding anniversary. I understand that the current Nashville Arts magazine also has an article about corporate art projects that features an opening shot of my work for Avenue Bank. I have to say that everyone there was wonderful but I'm particularly grateful for the support of Van and Ron. I wish them nothing but the best success.

I also had a very pleasant show at the Capitol Arts Alliance in Bowling Green, Ky. If you missed it, you might still find a few paintings available through our website and / or ebay store.

Of note, Jerry Dale McFadden is moving his art retail space yet again and it may or may not be called TAG anymore. For my money, I think he should change the name and I've made some suggestions :) He IS the gallery and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm going to close there....not for lack of things to say.

It's a blessing to be doing this.


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Painting instructions.

Paint without fear.

Paint without expectation.

Paint without remorse.

Paint without resolution.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Letter to Andee


Well, I'm doing the bank commission now and another private commission after but that's mostly summer. Depending on construction, the bank may open in the late summer or fall. I also am trying to do some small work for a gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska that first approached me a year ago.

I do have a fall show at the Capitol in BG. My intention is that it will be a figurative show in the style of my strong woman series but with far more compositional variety. Think Bay Area and you're close to where I'm starting from. Where I go from there will be a surprise to myself. I'm also looking at two of my earliest influences quite a bit: Matisse and Degas - particularly the late period bathers which have been an inspiration to me for at least 20 years. Hopefully, all of this gets filtered through my eyes and hands and comes out looking like my work and not theirs!

Meanwhile, Mercury is drawing a lot of Manga and Isabella is talking about doing some completely abstract work on canvas. In D.C., she spent quite a bit of time with works by Helen Frankenthaler AND Joan Mitchell. Who knows what will come of that? She apologized to me for not liking Pollock's drip paintings but his earlier work instead. How sweet is that?

Take care,

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Treetops at Midday

The pace has picked up in the last few weeks with new work on all fronts.


The Nashville Airport show was featured on WNPT's art break. Southern Living also did a photo shoot of Art at the Airport that may have included my work. I haven't seen it yet.

Jerry Dale will show some of the Airport paintings at Tag when they come down this summer.

I just sold two paintings to a prominent family in New York. :)

I'm beginning a series of new paintings for a bank opening in Nashville.


I finished Black Market Peep Show's 4 Song CD. Tight schedule and small budget but we're all happy with the results.

I'm producing a 10 song CD for Michael Hunter.

I've joined Billy Swayze and Black Market Peep Show for rehearsals and a few performances over the next few months. We have a tentative booking for an afternoon slot on the mainstage of Bonnaroo in June. To prepare, we're playing a few gigs between now and then. The first confirmed date is May 11 at Exit In in Nashville.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring on Finn Street

Just got back from eating Tamales with Donna.

As soon as I finished the Airport paintings, I got into the thick of a recording and producing a joint project with Billy Swayze called the Sugarpills. We finished tracking and mixing the first week of March. Donnie Bott mastered the project in Louisville. Donna is doing the website which should be up in a week or two. I'll post more here when the site is up with mp3's and possibly video.

Speaking of video...Bobby Smith is editing what might be the first of several interviews with me for youtube regarding the airport commission and my general thoughts on painting and being creative outside the mainstream.

I've been doing some figurative drawings in ink and wash. That lead to a new canvas painting which listed and sold a few weeks ago. I'm only now just able to get back to canvas painting following the Sugarpills. So far, it looks like I still have some figurative work to do.

I begin recording a shorter project with Black Market Peep Show this weekend. They remind me a little of Honey For Petzi, French Kicks, What Is This and The Whitest Boy Alive. Should be fun. More later....

Spring forward.

Airport Show Open

Well, the Airport Show opened but I wasn't able to see it for myself until last week! It's hanging in the connector space which is beyond the security checkpoint. If you're travelling through Nashville, check it out.

WNPT and Southern living are also covering Arts At The Airport while my show is up so keep an eye out for them.

Thank you Andee. It was a pleasure working with you.

See more at my site:

Airport Journal No. 4

....a belated entry from my last notes to myself....

to do:

vacuum studio

paint red

paint fields (for figures)
shades of white, pastels and neutrals

retain field borders to reveal underlying color and structure

work sequentially - area to area, color to color

letter form - left to right, row by row

do not stop to evaluate until both canvases are covered


refine with tertiaries


emphasize departure and arrival diagonal theme


improvise line figures?